Posts in Womens Health
Treating Hot Flashes, Naturally

“I am sweating non-stop at night to where I am soaking the sheets!” “I feel this bone-shearing fire and it gets worst after eating sugar.” “My own mother when through 10 years of pure menopause hell with hot flashes, night sweats, and rage-will I experience the same thing!?!”. “Will these hot flashes last forever?”.

These are all of the questions we get in our Acupuncture Consultations with women in the Peri-menopause and Menopause transition. I am here to tell you-No, these symptoms do not need to be extreme and do not have to last forever. Let us dive into what is Menopause, why do some women experience some of these symptoms, and what Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine can do to lower them.

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Acupuncture & Labor Prep

Acupuncture can be used to prepare for labor and natural “induction”. We have seen many pregnant women come into the clinic looking for natural ways to prepare for labor and are trying to decrease the risk of scheduled inductions, or C-Sections. This blog is to explain how Acupuncture can help with labor preparation, what are the benefits, what points are used, how we approach Labor preparation, and what we have seen in the clinic.

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Preparing for IVF with Supplements

There are so many supplement products out on the market for being advertised as Fertility support. In this blog, we want to share some of our recommendations on which types and what brands of supplements we recommend for preparing for IVF (in-vitro fertilization), IUI (intra-uterine insemination), or ICSI. These are only recommendations and every women has their own individual needs, so use this as a baseline. Always consult with your REI specialist and TCM Gynecology Acupuncturist for guidance for your Fertility program.

When planning on conceiving via Reproductive Technology, it is best to do these supplements for at least 3 months alongside any Fertility preparation program. Why? Because it takes 3 months to help enhance, mature, and improve egg quality. The goal is to create quality and healthy sustaining eggs for conception alongside providing nourishment via vitamins and minerals for your body to help support the intended pregnancy.

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Acupressure for Calming Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal reaction to any anticipated, or imagined, danger to ready someone to fight-flight-freeze-fawn mode. Anxiety can be motivating to avoid danger, or push towards our goals; but it can be uncontrollable with over-worry and chronic tension. cupressure is the application of firm pressure with the fingers on specific points on the body known as Acupuncture points. These Acupuncture points are concentrate areas on the body that provide specific relief for various ailments. These points have “high electrical conductivity at the surface of the skin” allowing “qi” to flow through the meridians. The meridians are energy pathways connecting the acupuncture points to their associated internal organ. Here, one can use acupressure on one location of the body to treat another part of the body.

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What is Male Infertility, Testing, & Possible Causes (Part 1)

When it comes to Fertility imbalances, many focus on the women’s health, or ability to conceive. There are many products, articles, studies, and opinions on what women should and should not do to realign any infertility conditions. Yet, the information and opinion on Male Infertility falls on deaf ears. Even though, 1 out of 8 couples experience infertility challenges and about 30 to 50 % of the cause of infertility is male factor related.

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Uterine Fibroids, Acupuncture, & Herbal Medicine

We have all heard of Uterine Fibroids and how they can be invasive to our wombs and lives. Most often, uterine fibroids can happen at any point during our reproductive age from menarche (1st bleed) till menopause. It is very common for increase growth of fibroids during the ages of 30 to 40-years old. I am sure some of you have heard of the stories from your mom, grandmother, and aunts, in how they had painful periods, heavy bleeding, felt 5 months pregnant, and most often decided to try birth control, or given a hysterectomy as remedies. Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, and Nutrition can help reduce uterine fibroids, improve fertility options, and manage any regrowths of fibroids.

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Supporting Peri-menopause, Naturally

Peri-menopause is NOT a disease, or medical condition. It is a natural transition every woman will experience. This is a sacred transition from our reproductive years transitioning into wisdom. This is a time where women need support, nourishment, and creative expression. Yes, many will experience some uncomfortable symptoms of menopause, but there are natural solutions to help ease this transition.

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PCOS & Acupuncture

September is P.C.O.S. Awareness Month! We will be sharing some tips on how to navigate managing PCOS, naturally, for healthier periods, regulate ovulation, improved digestion and metabolism, and supporting fertility. Often women diagnosed with P.C.O.S. may experience Painful Periods known as Dysmenorrhea, or Painful ovulation.

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How Does Our Hormones Flow During the Month?

Just like the cycles of nature, our hormones have a cyclical rhythm. Women represent this natural phase monthly as each hormone waxes and wanes in synchronicity with one another. Each hormone serves a messenger between the Endocrine (hormonal) system and other tissues and organs. When this synchronicity of communication is thrown out of balance; then, we experiences symptoms of hormonal imbalances, which can mean too little, or too much, of one or more hormones. Before we dive into what can go wrong with our hormones relating to our monthly cycles. It is important to empower ourselves with the knowledge of our body. We need to understand what healthy and balanced looks like for us. Today, will explore the 4 Phases of our Monthly cycle and learn how the main hormones synchronize with one another to give us a flowing and creative experience.

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Acupuncture for Easing Painful Periods (Dysmennorhea)

Acupuncture is well known for easing pain such as lower back pain and headaches, but it is not well known for its benefits for period health. At some point in a woman’s life, she may experience one, or many painful periods, requiring her to take time off from work, school, or other aspects of life; so she can lie in bed with a heat pack, ice cream, a pack of Midol, and maybe some tears.

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Poopin' for Hormonal Balancing

We will be talking about a topic everyone does, but never talks about. Your bowel movement, or pooping habits, have everything to do with your hormonal balance. We will talk about how constipation can throw off hormones leading to increase PMS, hot flashes, and contributes to lumpy breasts. We will cover what is a healthy bowel movement and what would be considered constipation; then, we will give you some tips you can try at home to improve your colon health and hormonal health.

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Belch & Bloat: Decreasing Digestive Pain, Naturally

Digestive health is one of main pillars of health. When it comes to digestion, Chinese Medicine focuses on the Stomach, Spleen (Pancreas), and Liver as the center of health. Our Spleen and Stomach work together to create post-natal qi known as the vital nutrients taken from our food and used to feed our cells via the blood.

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Easing PMS Bloating, Naturally

Is it hard to get those jeans on right before your period? Have you ever woke up and looked at the mirror and wonder, why is my stomach swollen and puffy? Sometimes, PMS bloating is crampin' our style and may even cause some discomfort whether it is in our jean tightness, or cramping.

Bloating is common PMS, Premenstrual Syndrome, symptom that starts anywhere between 1 week to Day 1 of bleeding. In some women, bloating is worst 1-2 days before and on the 1st day of bleeding.

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Reawakening into Spring: Liver Detoxing

The Liver is an amazing organ serving as the “commanding general of the body” with its many functions support Women’s Health! Today, we will introduce the basic role of the Liver, where it is located, and basic whole food nutrition & herbal medicine can be used to provide optimal support to the Liver’s, natural detoxing ability

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Incontinence: Post-partum & Beyond

Time and time again, I have seen women coming into the clinic with 5, 10, 20, 30 years after giving birth and having Stress Incontinence. For many, this is a normal and silent occurrence as we consider it a trade-off after having children. After having my own son 4-years-ago, I was struggling with balancing the “squeeze-n-sneeze” reflex. This is where you squeeze your pelvic floor muscles so you do not pee yourself from exertion such as sneezing, laughing, bouncing on a trampoline, etc…remember…”kegel exercises?

So, what exactly is Stress Incontinence and how can Chinese Medicine help alleviate it?

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Easing PMS, Naturally

Let us be real: The Premenstrual syndrome, PMS, has become a cultural norm in the Western world. Where monthly cravings for the salty, dark chocolate temporarily counteracts the irritable mood swings and the struggle to button those jeans over the bloated stomach are crampin’ the morning routine. For some, this emotional and physical discomfort brings a dreadful knowing their period is underway. The question is when will the period release the valve of this internal pressure? 

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Endometriosis, Infertility, & Chinese Medicine

Endometriosis is becoming more prevalent, effecting about 5 to 7 million women within the United States.  What exactly is Endometriosis?  Endometriosis occurs when the endometrium tissue lining our uterus is located in abnormal places and cannot be properly released during our menses.  Chinese Medicine can treat infertility caused by Endometriosis, which contributes to 30-40% of infertility in women. 

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Treating Endometriosis with Chinese Medicine

Chinese Medicine provides natural and non-invasive treatment options for Endometriosis by decreasing pain, balancing hormones, and regulating the period. The focus of the treating Endometriosis is YOU, not your condition. The goal of Chinese Medicine is to help restore and provide a quality of life that you desire without having Endometriosis get in the way.

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Aligning with the Feminine Cycle

Similar to the natural ebb-n-flow of life, our menstrual cycle has its own version of shifts and changes.  During this monthly cycle, we have the opportunity to experience a hormonal, emotional, energetic, and creative shifts.

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