Posts tagged endometriosis fertilty and natural medicine
Treating Endometriosis with Chinese Medicine

March is the month dedicated to Endometriosis Awareness, so we will be posting a few blog articles to teach what is Endometriosis, how does it effect women day to day, how does it effect the monthly cycle, and natural ways to manage it. We have seen quite a few women have painful periods starting in their late teens and continuing into their 20’s and 30’s. When a woman is ready to start their family, Endometriosis is one of the main obstacles leading to secondary infertility. Chinese Medicine helps work with the root cause of Endometriosis, while decreasing the discomfort of its painful symptoms.

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Endometriosis, Infertility, & Chinese Medicine

Endometriosis is becoming more prevalent, effecting about 5 to 7 million women within the United States.  What exactly is Endometriosis?  Endometriosis occurs when the endometrium tissue lining our uterus is located in abnormal places and cannot be properly released during our menses.  Chinese Medicine can treat infertility caused by Endometriosis, which contributes to 30-40% of infertility in women. 

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