

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling is the insertion of very fine short needles into the skin for the purpose of rejuvenation. These very fine needles create tiny punctures in the skin to help stimulate collagen production, improve skin texture, and reduce wrinkles, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation. During a 30-minute procedure, needles will go to the depth of about 0.25mm to 1.5 mm depending on the patient. It is important to do this treatment with a trained professional to ensure proper technique, use of sterile equipment, and the ability to adjust the treatment according to individual skin type and concerns. According to realface.com, microneedling is recommended by 85% of satisfied customers. It’s a great way to avoid painful injections and expensive surgery.

Benefits of Microneedling:

  • Improved Skin Texture and Tone: can help smoothing out fine lines & wrinkles

  • Reduce Acne Scars: may help break down scar tissue and promote growth of new collagen. Can help reduce the appearance of acne scars and other types of scarring.

  • Brightened Complexion

  • Enhance Product Absorption

  • Increase Collagen Production: helps improve skin elasticity, firmness, and hydration.

Counterindications for Microneedling:

  • Active skin infections, or wounds

  • Acuutane usage within 6 months

  • Keloids

  • Pregnancy (Nanoneedling can be used instead)

  • Moderate to severe eczema or psoriasis,

  • Medical conditions including: blood diseases, anticoagulant therapies, chemo/radiation therapy, herpes zoster, scleroderma, collagen vascular disease, or cardiac abnormalities, rosacea, blood clotting problems, platelet abnormalities, facial cancer (past and present), steroid therapy, dermatological diseases affecting the face (i.e. Porphyria), diabetes and other chronic conditions

  • Active bacterial or fungal infections, immune-suppression,

  • scars less then 6 months old

  • Botox/facial fillers in the past 2-4 weeks.

Does It Hurt?

If you are sensitive, numbing cream can be applied to the skin. Sensitivity is most common in the forehead, décolletage and neck area.

How often?

You only need to do 1 session/month to allow for cell turnover. You may supplement with nanoneedling OR facial rejuvenation acupuncture.

What happens in a session?

Discuss your needs, afterwards you will rest with the light therapy up to 20 minutes with numbing cream, if needed. Next, a hyaluronic acid will be put on the skin to prep for microneedling. Once the procedure is done, a refreshing face mask will be applied.

What is Nanoneedling?

Nanoneedling uses the same oscillating movements as the microneedling pen, but only penetrates the most superficial layers of the skin. Nanoneedling exfoliates giving a glow to the skin, allows for serums to be absorbed and has no downtime.

What is the Aftercare?

Redness can last 8-12 hours after a session with little downtime, no exercising the day of, its encouraged to wear mineral sunscreen up to one week on the areas treated and avoid sun exposure the day of your treatment, do not use facial soap or makeup the day of your session and apply hyaluronic acid to the skin as needed.

How do I prepare for my session?

Please come in with a clean face, refrain from taking fish oils 3 days prior to your microneedling session, stop all use of retinols and harsh creams, refrain from smoking, caffeine and alcohol use the day of your session.