Posts in hormonal balance
Treating Hot Flashes, Naturally

“I am sweating non-stop at night to where I am soaking the sheets!” “I feel this bone-shearing fire and it gets worst after eating sugar.” “My own mother when through 10 years of pure menopause hell with hot flashes, night sweats, and rage-will I experience the same thing!?!”. “Will these hot flashes last forever?”.

These are all of the questions we get in our Acupuncture Consultations with women in the Peri-menopause and Menopause transition. I am here to tell you-No, these symptoms do not need to be extreme and do not have to last forever. Let us dive into what is Menopause, why do some women experience some of these symptoms, and what Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine can do to lower them.

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Acupuncture & Fertility

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a wonderful medicine to help support the Fertility journey for the 1 out of 8 couples, who experience Fertility challenges. Traditional Chinese Medicine has an established system of TCM Gynecology that supports Women’s Reproductive Health including the tools of Acupuncture, Electroacupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Nutrition, and more

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Uterine Fibroids, Acupuncture, & Herbal Medicine

We have all heard of Uterine Fibroids and how they can be invasive to our wombs and lives. Most often, uterine fibroids can happen at any point during our reproductive age from menarche (1st bleed) till menopause. It is very common for increase growth of fibroids during the ages of 30 to 40-years old. I am sure some of you have heard of the stories from your mom, grandmother, and aunts, in how they had painful periods, heavy bleeding, felt 5 months pregnant, and most often decided to try birth control, or given a hysterectomy as remedies. Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, and Nutrition can help reduce uterine fibroids, improve fertility options, and manage any regrowths of fibroids.

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PCOS & Acupuncture

September is P.C.O.S. Awareness Month! We will be sharing some tips on how to navigate managing PCOS, naturally, for healthier periods, regulate ovulation, improved digestion and metabolism, and supporting fertility. Often women diagnosed with P.C.O.S. may experience Painful Periods known as Dysmenorrhea, or Painful ovulation.

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The Basics Needs Of Postpartum Transition

The transition into motherhood is know as Matrescence, or the 4th trimester. It is the first 3 months after giving birth where the new mom is healing on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level. She is adjusting to the new identity of motherhood, while forming a new bond and relationship with the little life, who is making a big impact. The new mom needs to be mothered during this time to give her the best outcome and foundation of health. Cultures all over the world have customs in place to mother the new mother. Here, we will talk about the 5 basic needs of the Postpartum Transition that goes beyond the 6-week check up from the Ob-Gyn.

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Treating PCOS with Chinese Medicine

P.CO.S., Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome is one of the leading causes of infertility and very common, affecting 6 to 10% of premenopausal women. P.C.O.S. is the most common cause of anovulatory infertility (meaning no ovulation). In order to diagnose P.C.O.S., 2 out of the 3 key symptoms are needed:

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How Does Our Hormones Flow During the Month?

Just like the cycles of nature, our hormones have a cyclical rhythm. Women represent this natural phase monthly as each hormone waxes and wanes in synchronicity with one another. Each hormone serves a messenger between the Endocrine (hormonal) system and other tissues and organs. When this synchronicity of communication is thrown out of balance; then, we experiences symptoms of hormonal imbalances, which can mean too little, or too much, of one or more hormones. Before we dive into what can go wrong with our hormones relating to our monthly cycles. It is important to empower ourselves with the knowledge of our body. We need to understand what healthy and balanced looks like for us. Today, will explore the 4 Phases of our Monthly cycle and learn how the main hormones synchronize with one another to give us a flowing and creative experience.

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Acupuncture for Easing Painful Periods (Dysmennorhea)

Acupuncture is well known for easing pain such as lower back pain and headaches, but it is not well known for its benefits for period health. At some point in a woman’s life, she may experience one, or many painful periods, requiring her to take time off from work, school, or other aspects of life; so she can lie in bed with a heat pack, ice cream, a pack of Midol, and maybe some tears.

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Poopin' for Hormonal Balancing

We will be talking about a topic everyone does, but never talks about. Your bowel movement, or pooping habits, have everything to do with your hormonal balance. We will talk about how constipation can throw off hormones leading to increase PMS, hot flashes, and contributes to lumpy breasts. We will cover what is a healthy bowel movement and what would be considered constipation; then, we will give you some tips you can try at home to improve your colon health and hormonal health.

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