Posts tagged Breech baby
Breech Baby, Acupuncture, & Moxibustion

Breech is another variation of normal in birth! I know this sounds completely foreign, but hear me out. Throughout pregnancy the baby can be in a variety of positions and can shift at all points during development. Sometimes around the 32-week mark, the baby shifts into a Breech position, or bottom down into the pelvis. If you or someone you know discovers baby is in breech position you may feel fear and pressure from friends/family, or even your own provider. Breech is a variation of normal because the baby can rotate at ANY point of the pregnancy right up to delivery and believe me when I say there are providers, who are confident and trained, in how to deliver breech babies. If you desire for your baby to rotate out of a Breech position; I am going to tell you how Acupuncture, Moxibustion, and Myofasical release can and does help move baby from Breech position to head down.

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