Posts tagged brain fog
Easing PMS, Naturally

Let us be real: The Premenstrual syndrome, PMS, has become a cultural norm in the Western world. Where monthly cravings for the salty, dark chocolate temporarily counteracts the irritable mood swings and the struggle to button those jeans over the bloated stomach are crampin’ the morning routine. For some, this emotional and physical discomfort brings a dreadful knowing their period is underway. The question is when will the period release the valve of this internal pressure? 

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Marrow, Memory, & 'Mama Brain'

Mama brain", "Baby brain", or "having a brain fart", are all common phenomena happening to women, who are pregnant, post-partum, or a couple years after having their last baby.  It is more than forgetting where you left your car keys.  It involves several mental moments of going blank mid-sentence. "Oh, what was I saying....".  "I forgot what we were talking about?".  "It will come back to me in a bit"; which, in most cases it does 2 days later.  "Mama brain" is common knowledge, quite accepted; yet, we sometimes find ourselves apologizing for our "would it be forgetfulness", "lack of focus other than baby", or whichever reason we are saying "sorry" again for our behavior. 

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